Friday, September 25, 2009

Possible Transmission Pathways to Communicate with Aliens

"Weird Ways to Search for ET"

Despite popular view that SETI and its scientists eschew new ideas of ways of communicating with extraterrestrial life, there are many new ideas circulating--although they are sometimes considered a little 'out of this world'.

Some these include but are not limited to:
1) Neutrinos, which are ghostly particles which can go through planets; only problem is they cost a tremendous amount of energy to produce and technology to detect them has very low efficiency.
2) Quantum entanglement, which could an be inexpensive and instantaneous communication channel through entangled particles; however, Bell's theorem illustrates that they're not instruments for faster-than-light communication.
3) Gravity waves, which like neutrinos are hard to produce and detect.
4) Flashes of laser lights every month or year or decade.
5) Signals Kepler could detect; following the idea that aliens could construct large structures and sling them into orbit around their sun--anyone observing stars using techniques similar to that of the Kepler telescope could notice these light blockers.

However, none of these possible methods of transmissions are being explored by SETI at the moment; although this doesn't mean they aren't being explored by physicists and others.

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