Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Equation for Habitable Planets&Primitive Life

Scientists have recently been attempting to come up with an equation to "quantify how suitable other planets are for life."

The equation is reminiscent of the Drake Equation, which judges the chances of contacting extraterrestrial civilizations., as it contains many variables that must be debated on.

The hard part is finding what variables are required, and which ones describe qualities of our Earth that aren't necessarily required to sustain intelligent life.
As a senior astronomer from SETI claims, "There's no definition of life that really works very well. Even if you were able to define life as we know it, you might be missing out on life as we don't know it."

The article ends with the message that its definitely very likely that we'll find primitive life on planets with at least semi-habitable atmospheres, the problem is figuring out what it takes to get from life to intelligent life.

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